Wednesday, March 3, 2010

Pain Day

I guess today is Pain Day, I wish I had gotten the memo and been more prepared. It all started this morning. I woke up with screams and painful stabs in my shoulders and legs when I moved them. that was understandable, I did a heavy workout yesterday. still, it doesn't feel too great. Then I had to iron some shirts. it was my first time ironing, so I tried to be extra careful. I did NOT want to burn my hand. I hate burns, they agonizingly hurt.
what do you know. I burned my hand. I can see blisters forming. lovely.
I tried to ignore the pain and my idiocy and continued on with my work. my poor burned fingers pulsed with blazing pain, but I tried to not think about it and continue on to my next task: Vacuuming. I vacuum every week, every wednesday, without anything ever happening. but of course today is Pain Day, so something had to happen. While I was carrying the vacuum up the stairs, it slipped and landed onto my foot. perfect. just what I needed, a squished, bruised foot.
limping, and with burned fingers, I finished vacuuming.
Then I had a dentist appointment. just a check up, clean teeth, yadda yadda, leave. oh no, not this time. this time the dentist says I need a tiny filling. so small that I don't need to be numbed. alright, since today is Pain Day I thought, might as well. it was really fast, but still unpleasant and of course, a little bit of pain.
I was on my way home, in my car, where I was safe from harm. well, since nothing could hurt me, my body decided to cause internal pain. knife stabbing pain in my lower abdomen, only thing I can think of what it was was cramps. painful, intestine squeezing, cramps. it took all my strength to concentrate on the road and driving, the pain consumed my mind. and as soon as I got home and stepped out of my car, the cramps left, it's goal to cause me pain while driving accomplished.
Happy Pain Day every one! hopefully nobody sustained too many injuries!


  1. That's a pretty crazy pain day! Hope you're feeling better now!

  2. well......i broke a nail! lol srry about your pain day, still luv ya
