Monday, July 12, 2010

Krystal Moments

I've been spending a lot of time with my family lately, and it's been really nice. I love hanging out with my sisters, it's never a dull moment with them. Especially with Krystal. Pretty funny stuff happen with her that makes me laugh. I like to call them Krystal Moments. I would like to share some with you.

One day I was meeting my family at subway. I was late and so my fam. ordered my sandwich for me me. I was driving on the freeway, when this text conversation ensued:

Krystal: Do you want honey mustard or just mustard?

Karli: Reg

Krystal: What?

Karli (frustrated): Regular

Krystal: Regular mustard? or what?

Karli: (really frustrated) Yes!! no, regular napkins!

Krystal: i'm sorry, I'm only seventeen

Haha, oh krystal. after my frustration, I found the conversation really funny. she always has something random to say or mixes up her sentences. whenever I tell her what she said doesn't make sense, she responds like this: "well it's in my dictionary. You should read it."
Here is another Krystal moment:

Krystal, Kynsie and I were getting our makeup and hair done by holly, Jesse, and Kelsy one day for a photo shoot. we were running late, so everyone was kind of on edge (not really, more like a funny edge). Krystal complained about something, and Jesse said, "Krystal, you need to sweeten up."
Krystal responded, "No, I'm German."
well all laughed, but she didn't get it. it wasn't until later I explained, "Jesse said sweeten, not Sweden."
she laughed vigorously at herself.

Oh krystal, I love you so. Tune in next time for more Krystal Moments!!

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