Wednesday, September 9, 2009

My New Buddy

I've been spending a lot of time with a special boy. My buddy Weston. Every morning, it's me and him, and so we have fun together. He is a really funny boy and always makes me laugh. Like today when I was walking him to school, we saw a helicopter, and he said, "Wow! it's so high up!"
I responded, "Yeah. Would you like to fly in a one someday?"
He promptly answered, "No. I just want to be Link."

hahaha! oh, he is great. We had some great fun in my room this morning, with the cows. Here's some pictures.

By the way, today is the coolest day ever! It's 9/9/09!!!! wow! I posted on 9/9/09! Awesome!

1 comment:

  1. haha thats so funny i just want to be link, you should of told him he could be link AND fly a helicopter! then he would of been blown away
