Monday, September 28, 2009

Happy Stuff

some things that have made me so happy of late:

~Bike Rides; they really help you handle life
~A job well done
~Reading great books
~Writing the stories in my head
~being silly
~My family
~Mint filled brownies
~Samurai Jack
~beautiful stories
~getting emails from friends
~My family

Life has been really great. I love my job, and it feels so good to work hard! I just really hope I'll be able to get enough money for shcool next semester.
And writing has really made me happy lately. as you know, I love love love books. I am addicted to them, to get lost in the pages of a different story. I am passionate about them. And so to be able to create my own story, it has brought me even more joy! I love writing, it makes me happy. And when I write something good, that other people enjoy, my happiness stretches even farther!
this weekend, I read out loud one of my stories to kynsie. Kynsie started bawling. I couldn't describe how it felt, that I touched someone. That my message and story got to someone else rather than just me. It brought tears to my eyes.

I am suddenly reminded of part of a song by They Might Be Giants. It's called Whistling in the Dark:

There's only one thing that I know how to do well
And I've often been told that you only can do
What you know how to do well
And that's be you,
Be what you're like,
Be like yourself
and so be yourself, and do what makes you happy :)

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