Tuesday, December 15, 2009

story of the week

I love my oldest sister Heather. she is so wise, I learn so much from her. she always tells me things that make me think, and laugh. like on Holly's birthday we were driving together to the resturaunt. traffic was a bit heavy, so it was slow going on the free way. Heather was frustrated and expressed her sentiments about having to wait in traffic. Then she paused, thought for a bit, and said, “Why am I so impatient? I mean, what’s wrong with waiting? We are all waiting to die. So why should five minutes of waiting in traffic be a big deal?”
I love my sister, and her wise counsel. we all are waiting to die. so why should we get impatient? :)


  1. I was going for funny, but I'll take wise. :) You are awesome Karli.

  2. uhhhhhh, i'm not waiting to die? i have a life ahead of me, i want to use before i die
