Monday, November 23, 2009

Frustrating Week

I had a most trying week. Really, it was amazing all that had happened to me. I was looking foward to last week, good things were going to happen. I had an interview with Borders, my favorite bookstore, my dream job, on monday. On thursday was the day I had been waiting for for months!-New Moon. I bought the tickets a month in advance, and just thinking of being able to go was what got me through each day. And then on Friday Heidi, Grandma, and I were going to go out to Mimi's Cafe for breakfast. I was really excited for this week, it was going to be really great! First monday came. Thanks to Leilani, I got all pretty and dressed up and prepared for my interview. as soon as I stepped in the store, I had a good feeling overwhelm me. I really wanted this job, I longed to work there. All throughout the interview, I had the good feeling. The interview went really good, and I left happily. If I got a phonecall on Tuesday, that meant I would have gotten the job. If I didn't get a phonecall by tuesday, then no job. But I had confidence, I was sure I would get a phone call.
Tuesday phone call.
I was upset, but I tried not to let it get to me. My wonderful mother took me out shopping and got me cute clothes to help me feel better. I regained composure, and tried to be happy. I still had mimi's cafe and New Moon, it was still going to be great.
Then Heidi tells me the more Mimi's Cafe. And I totally understood, it was okay, I tried not to let it get to me, I still had New Moon.
Thursday came, and I went to the theater five hours early to wait in line. I went to print off my tickets, my excitement and happiness the highest it had been all week. I saw all the people there in line, all hyped up for the most awaited movie. I couldn't wait to join them!
What? my tickets wouldn't print?
I go to the ticket booth. I give them my reciept, showing I paid for the tickets, and my confirmation number, and the card I paid them with.
I can't get my tickets. it said they've already been printed.
She tried again and again, but every time it said that my tickets had already been printed and picked up. I'm starting to panic. She called a manager. I calmed a bit. Surely the manager would fix this problem, surely he'd be caring and would do all he could to help a customer who already paid.
He came. he said, "These tickets have already been printed. We have a full house. There is nothing I can do." and then he left.
He didn't even let me speak. that's all he said and did. I was in shock for a moment, and stood there stupidly.
I was crushed. I went back to my car. this was the turninig point. I was already on the edge all week, and this is what did it for me. Someone must have hacked into my account and stole my confirmation number and stole my tickets.
Someone stole my tickets.
I cracked. I went half mad I'm pretty sure. so I sobbed off my face, and sat in the car for an hour. Bill came to talk to the manager, but they wouldn't do anything.
They wouldn't do anything.
I went home and curled into a ball and fell asleep. the next morning I felt mentally exhausted. I didn't want to get up, I just wanted to lie in misery.
But, I had to take care of Rachel who was sick. So I got up and went into auto pilot and started helping her. I asked her what movie she would like to watch, and she said The Count of Monte Cristo. I thought that was a weird choice for an eleven year old, but I love that movie, so I put it on.
I'm so glad Rachel chose that movie. it helped me so much! Edmund, the main character, is such a good person doing right things, but his friend sent him to prison for something he was innocent about, and he was there for thirteen years! After he got out, he said this quote, and this quote is what really helped me "Life is a storm my friend. You'll bask in the sunlight one moment, be shattered on the rocks the next. What makes you a man is what you do when that storm comes. You must look into that storm and shout... Do Your Worst"
That gave me chills. It really gave me strength, and made me shout Do your worst at life. I felt better. I slowly came back to life.
Once I did, I realized how blessed I was. my family cared so much about me, and Holly even bought me a ticket to go to the movie on Saturday. Everyone cared about my happiness.
I became better, I healed.
And I had a great time on Saturday. Holly, Krystal, Kynsie and I went to see New Moon (which was awesome! Go Jacob!) and then we went to Texas Roadhouse, which is my new fav restaurant! and then we went to Jesse's birthday party, and watched a MST of Twilight, which was just what I needed, to laugh and laugh and laugh.
So I'm really glad for this trying week that I had. in the end, I feel I have become mentally stronger to endure tough times in life. And I know that I always have my family to make me better.
Just shout 'Do Your Worst' and be glad you were not in prison for thirteen years.


  1. that was a bad week, i was crying when i asked you about that night to see new moon. And I"M SO UPSET THAT YOU NEVER ACCEPTED MY TEN DOLLARS! I gave you money since they didn't give you nothing, so when i was crying i thought this was a good thing, and i know you know that but when i saw it back in my room, i broke down that you gave it back. My feelings were in those ten dollars. i'm still upset about that. but i'm glad your better, i hope this week goes weel

  2. hey we get to go to texas road house again tonight! i bet your mouth is watering right now!
