Christmas is almost here! hooray! has everyone got their shopping done yet? well, it's a madhouse out there! people are everywhere trying to buy gifts for this giving season.
Well, the other day, Leilani asked me if I would go shopping with her. I happily agreed, for I love shopping for gifts. First we went and got some gift cards at Carrabba's. We got a lot, and for ended up recieving two 20 dollars gift cards for free. We were feeling good about that, but wondering what to do with them. Should we use them? Give them? Well, on our way out of the parking lot, Leilani spotted something. There was a man standing on the corner, holding up a sign that said, "Homeless. Anything will help."
Now, usually I don't really do anything when I see people like this. But Leilani looked worried and started panicking. "Oh no, what should I give him? I don't have any cash." I was surprised that she wanted to give something to this guy. but before I could say anything she exclaimed, "Oh! the extra gift cards! Let's give him one!" Since the homeless guy was on my side, I had to roll down my window and give it to him. I got nervous, I hadn't ever done anything like that before. I didn't really know what to say, and got more nervous the closer we got to him. But I had to give it to him, so I just did it. I reached the gift card out to him. it came out in a rush. "Here's twenty dollars to Carrabbas." I said shakily. Instantly, my nervousness left me. As soon as the man saw what I was giving him, he graciously took it and absolute joy filled his entire being. I cannot describe the look of pure thankfulness filled his face. "Oh thank you! Thank you so much! This is for Carrabbas? I'll go there right now!" he said with so much excitement and happiness. I barely said 'you're welcome' before we drove away. I was in complete and utter awe. There was a burning warmth inside of me that wasn't there moments ago. It felt so good to help that man. I couldn't focus on Leilani or shopping or anything for a while after I had done that. I just kept seeing that man's face in my head, and how I lani and I helped him get some food. Because of us, someone received food. That's what this season is all about. Giving, serving, and helping others. Our Heavenly Father sent his most beloved Son down for us, to save us. What greater gift could we ever receive than that? So let's do our part this season, and for the whole year, and give to others, helps those in need, comfort those in need of comfort, and have the spirit of Christ.
Merry Christmas!!